Monday, March 3, 2008

High School ... again

Um ... I'm not exactly sure what to write, considering I wrote it all a month ago. So my posting is over there to the right side bar thingy. Nothings really changed but check it out any way if you want. I honestly don't care.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

War - Do we need it?

Honesty. Do we really need people dying too early for the sake of our country? I mean I love America but not that much. Why can' the two smartest people in both countries get together and just play tic-tac-toe or checkers? That seems a hell of a lot safer than using guns. I don't know it's just been bothering me because my cousin went to the war and now he's back in the reserves in Florida. Let me know your thoughts.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dr. Pepper

Now I know it's not good for you but Dr. Pepper is amazing. The greatest drink that ever hit this planet and quite possibly the greatest thing period. Now for all those people that live in rocks, Dr. Pepper is a soft drink or sodie pop and it has an awesome blend of 23 different flavors. Some of those being cherry cola, coke and sprite. May sound gross but all of those flavors combined is like watching a sunset with you loved one. Or, in other words, like breaking in that brand, spanking new 4-wheeler in fresh mud in the middle of the summer after 3 days of rain. Yes, it is that good. Better than coke and better than Mountain Dew. By the way if you ever mix the two, it's awesome. I call it "Dr. Dew but some other people call it "Mounatin Pepper". I actually think that "Dr. Dew" sounds better, but just my opinion. Anyway, it also has many flavors in which they just add more of the flavors in the mix. For example, in Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper they will add more vanilla and cherry flavors plus all the others to get that taste. That's a winning combo. Also, the new Dr. Pepper that just came out, Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper is amazing. I highly recommend trying it, even of you do not like Dr. Pepper. Oh and if you don't, my little "friend" here on the right will come to your house and take a big crap on your bed. Which by the way will smell like Dr. Pepper. But I'm just kidding ... but seriously.