Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Yes. We all know what it is, but why does drama control everyone's life? What I mean is why can't people mind thier own business? Some people are afraid of what people think of them and don't want to have a bad image. They take what the idiot drama-causing jerks say seriously. Well, guess what? They don't know jack freaking crap. If someone doesn't know you, tells you that you are stupid and BELIEVE them, then you clearly have issues. Me? I don't care what people say about me. All you can do is be yourself. I will never be a cool, popular kid in high school only because I don't wanna be. Sure it's nice to be liked, but when you have to keep that reputation and do well in school? Not a lot of people can do it. I know I can't.

And another thing, peer pressure. Oh Muh God! People just seriously listen to what your parents say. Don't do drugs and do not drink. It ruins your chances to get into college and I can garuntee that your parents will kick you out when you are 40 or even younger than that. One MORE thing! When you call people names, it hurts. Seriously, it does. I've been there and I didn't like it one bit. But it's also a matter of standing up for yourself. Drama can ruin someone's life. I'm being completely SERIAL!!! Like Al Gore and Man-Bear-Pig, I'm super, duper SERIAL!! (Thank you South Park) So for all you drama "pushers", knock it off or man-bear-pig will eat you!!!

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