Saturday, February 16, 2008

High School Sucks

High School does indeed bite the big one! There's a couple reasons for this but it's basically because of the students that make me want to pull my hair out by the roots. It's just a big fucking popularity contest in this school and if you are one of people who won't be friends with someone because you didn't like the way they dressed or the way they spoke then you are clearly immature. You should try to be friends with everyone just because everyone needs a friend, even if it's just one. I know people in my school that won't talk to someone 'cause they are cool enough. I mean what's "cool"? Oh my bad, you gotta wear top notch clothing and and you got to be popular. I am not "cool" at all in my school but if I have a few people that I know, then I'm happy. It's like what's wrong with you all? You could even save a life if you talk to someone who doesn't talk to anyone. This person could have suicidal thoughts. Better yet, put yourself in someone else's shoes and just think how bad it must feel to be left out all the time. I say shame on all those ass wipes that can't talk to someone because they're "EGO" might be crushed. I got some choice words for that ... YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE!!!!!! You're in fricking high school and unless you know everyone in every school in NYS, then you need to get a life. I don't have an ego and I don't want one. This goes for all the "cool" teachers that need to get real too. It's not about you it's about ALL of us here in this awesome country.


MemphisKell said...

Steve, I like your posts. Just wait until the day after graduation. All the nonsense goes away. I didn't realize that Monroe was your first step toward RIT. That's awesome. I've been on that campus a few times. It's really big. Can you explain your profile picture?

missbrightside said...

Awww, Steve

This is definitely my favorite entry so far, and I couldn't agree more. I hate seeing people act the way they do towards others sometimes. Overall, I really genuinely like almost everyone in our graduating class. I'm very careful to always be kind to others but I'm also very shy. This entry makes me want to start talking to more people.

by the way, I'm Sami. I'm friends with Brittany and Tara.

Anonymous said...

aw steve i think youre great